Isolating of the leukocyte population from the blood obtained from the donors at The Children’s Hospital, Westmead
Researchers at the AIBN used the HIVE Solution to analyze transcriptomes of different cell types within brain organoids
Paper by HIVE users Sheerin, et al
Hear how researchers loaded HIVEs with bone marrow from mice that were on the International Space Station.
An investigation of the transcriptional landscape reveals cell type specific differences in gene expression
Cross-platform, multi-site study to assess performance and reproducibility: a) 10x Genomics, b) Parse Bioscience and c) Honeycomb Bio.
Liver FNAs from patients with HBV and HIV, or HBV alone were loaded into HIVEs at the University Teaching Hospital in Lusaka, Zambia.
Transcriptional divergence in steady-state neutrophils between individuals with distinct COVID-19 infection outcomes.